Extreme Couponing sounds aggressive and a bit crazy? Well, it’s not that bad, it can become addictive though… See why couponing is so much fun:
Using coupons to pay less for things you use regularly makes a lot of sense, and therefore, extreme couponing is also a very rational activity. The word extreme expresses a certain mastery and a serious approach to saving money and making your budget last longer.
Check the current Amazon Coupons here!
When you buy the daily needs at your grocery store and / or in the supermarket, you are likely to overpay certain items, if you are not in to extreme couponing. By planning your shopping trip and making use of all the coupons and special offers that can be found online and in newspaper inserts, you can save big.

Don’t think that using coupons is just kids play, because the advantages offered are of ‘only’ 20 cents off here, 50 cents off there and the occasional free additional item when you purchase 2 o 3. During the month, these savings add up and can easily reach a three figure dollar amount, if you are actively seeking the best buys and are determined to join the millions of consumers that have discovered smart spending – or extreme couponing.
Extreme Couponing Tips
For starters bookmark this page and let your friends know about it too. We keep a close eye on all Amazon coupons and you will always find the latest and hottest deals at Amazon here, check out the coupons to the right and at the bottom of this page.
Then see the general posts about couponing that can be found in this coupons blog:
- Coupons To Save Money
- Using Coupons Makes Sense!
- Coupon Printer For Windows
- Couponing
- Mobile Couponing
- Coupon Organizer
More tips and good information about extreme couponing or, if you prefer just simple coupon collection are added here all the time, would be great to see you regularly.
Want To Become A Member of The Extreme Couponing Community?
Here’s how this works: See the comment box below? Tell us in a short comment (2 – 3 sentences max.) what you are looking for – coupons, deals etc. – and we will make sure we cover this aspect of extreme couponing in one of our next posts!
Also, use the links below the comment box to post this to Facebook, Twitter, Google +, etc., or email with the button below, so that your friends and followers will profit also! I’m sure you’ll find a few really hot restaurant coupons tips here, and these everybody can use, irrespective of his opinion about extreme couponing!
I nees to start extreme couponing for this such as toilet paper paper towels baby items and everything household! Where are the best stores to shop in MICHIGAN? Thanks
I need coupons for food and pet food. Frozen food, dish soap, laundry soap, toilet and paper towels. Packaged food ie. Hamburger helper ect. In California
Looking for household coupons paper products, groceries beauty items etc
I want to start extreme couponing for foods, toilet trees, paper towels, date nights. Basically a little bit of everything to save more and have my paychecks last longer !
Looking for grocerery, household, detergent basically all types of coupons
I am wanting to try new ways to save money. Looking for grocerery, household, detergent basically all types of coupons
Would like help with pulling grocery coupons up om my phone and be able to use at the groceries store or walmart
I need to find coupons for house hold items such air freshener dish soap, cleaners toilet paper.
I would like to become a part of the extreme coupon group.
I need to start coupons on baby dog kids household and food of all kids anything and everything I’m not sure how to do his yet how it works I live in jackson MI
I need extreme couponing with financial struggle , I need it in every deparment possible.
I am looking for coupons for cleaning stuff ,food,and personal hygiene produces
i want to try the extreme coupon and save money
Debbie, keep a close watch on the Amazon coupons (updated every 2 hours). There you often find amazing deals.
I want to be an extremely great couponer for my family and
I’m not exactly sure what to do or WHERE to start.
This will be a lifelong dream come to my family
To NEVER again go hungry and not have we need for school and work home etc.
being without its became the normal way THEN!! I seen that show extreme couponers is the thought that I can give them what they need to little or no money.
I would like to find an extreme coupon pro to teach me how to be one myself so that I can be a real extreme couponer, knowing the right apps the right website(s) and coupon book’s or magazine, just the real right way to do it
Teach me how to be an extreme couponer.
I want to be able to stretch my money as much as possible seeing that i am a single mother of 4 children. The cost of living in Hawaii is very expensive. I want to be able to buy all my family needs like clothes, school supplies, food etc. It’s to do it on only one income.
I have the want and need to do this. I just not sure how.
We need coupons for hygene, cleaning, foods, and clothing. Well basically anything and everything.
I need grocery coupons as well as toiletries, paper goods, plasstic bags, lots of coupons.
I need to start couponing to save on my gro. cleaning stuff household stuff
Looking for grocerery, household, detergent basically all types of coupons.
I am single mom of three make to much to get help and not enough to put food on table need grocery coupons
Grocery, health care and dog, cat care.
Would like to get more scalable coupons on my phone without printing them,for food and baby items
Need home food and family need coupons.
I am a young single mom looking for all types of coupons.
I just moved away from home and I really need to keep my money tight. So can you help me with extreme coupons please for all the web sites and stores that are the best.
I also would like to receive on line (not printable) coupons. Coupons for groceries and personal care items. I would like to be able to receive the coupon bar code w/coupons and just pull up the bar code, which can be scanned at stores and save me money and time. I would like help from anyone who knows how to achieve this. .
I would love to learn how to do extreme couponing. I have a family of 5 with 3 baby’s and every little bit helps. So I’m looking for really any coupons that will help me save on any thing, this would Includ item’s such as cloths, food, personal things, bathroom needs. Cleaning supplies, and even pet supplies.
I am a stay at home mom and student. I am needing coupons I can use from my phone when I go shopping for groceries, food, household items, laundry detergent,and cleaning supplies. Basecally anything to save money.
Hello! I am looking to save money and stock up on food, cleaning supplies, and paper products. I would also like to find the best ways to find coupons online and save money. I would like to save so I can create an pantry for cleaning products and essentialss.
We need coupons for food meat everything household . Baby items
I am a mother of four and my sister and her husband is living with us until they get a job and save money to move. I really need help on couponing and any other ways to save or get free money or things. Can someone please help me. Thank you
Started to use coupons, need all food, Bathroom, toothpaste, everything in the household coupons, where can I get lots of coupons of the same item. And where can I get a class or help to help me shop smarter in los angeles ca. Thanks
Looking to save on food, household goods, and toiletries
I am a homemaker and student and a family of 5 with all boy’s . With me being the only female in the house everything goes fast. So I started using coupons to save money on all household items including food. The more money we save the more we have for bills and to take a vacation. I’ve began to learn home to get things for cheap and even free with money back. I Love My Coupons..
Mobile coupons would be so much better than dealing with paper coupons.
Hi, I am a mother of five wanting, to save big on everyday essentials and food. Stockpiles to help with my fixed income budget.
Looking for coupons for soap,detergent,food,toothpaste,body lotions,toilet paper,paper towels,candy,cookies,diapers,desks,kitchen suppllies,
I need coupons for foods frozen ,,papertowels, laundry detergent ,toilet paper. deordant & bathsoap,
packaged foods hamburger helper ect. All types of coupons.