Cotonelle Coupons

Every household can make good use of Cotonelle coupons.  Their toilet paper marketing is clever and their products are very comfy.  Often you will find Cotonelle coupons with the Sunday paper coupons. Some retailers have regular promotions for toilet paper and offer Cotonelle coupons to their customers in the coupon inserts in their publications. Cotonelle toilet paper rolls are also used in art projects. There is a new trend called toilet paper art, and the results are actually quite pleasing! Look at a few examples here, on the TP art article of Modern Day Moms.

Cotonelle Coupons and Cotonelle Sweepstakes

Does your bathroom look a bit antiquated? Or do you need an urgent renovation of your bath? Here’s the good news: Cotonelle has a sweepstake going, where you can enter once a day, every day until July 7th 2013 to win a 10’000 Dollar bathroom makeover. You can add your chances by making one entry every day. You need to open an account where you indicate your email address and give your own password here.

But even if you can’t get a toilet that will wash your backside automatically, with Cotonelle bathroom tissue you can get very clean too. When you use these special moist tissues you need to make sure that they are sewer and septic safe. They need to decompose within a short time so that you don’t risk clogging your waste system. The Cotonelle products are conform and have passed a series of tests that attest them to be safe and not do damage when flushed.

Many customers also use the moist bathroom tissue when they are travelling or simply as hand wipes when you have finished chores that dirtied your hands.


Where To Get Your Cotonelle Coupons

Cottonelle coupons
Feel clean and comfy – and save money with Cottonelle coupons !

Cotonelle coupons can be ordered directly from the Cotonelle website.

You need to fill in a form and answer a few questions about your buying habits of Cotonelle products and then you will receive information and coupon codes directly from Cotonelle.

Sign up to receive your personal Cotonelle coupons here.


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