Coupon Organizer

A coupon organizer will help you find the coupons when you need them. Couponing is a lot more fun, when you are organized and able to flip through your coupons and quickly find the ones that match your purchases in the shopping cart. Having a lot of great coupons is one thing – finding them when you need them an other….. Some people use a coupon wallet, others prefer a coupon binder or coupon holder. The most important thing about a coupon organizer is that you are happy with the solution you chose and that you use it – only then will your coupon organizer help you save money when shopping.

Coupon OrganizerThere are quite a few different systems out in the market, ready for you to purchase. But as we are trying to save money, you might be able to get just the ideas from these systems and then build your own.

After all, couponing is about saving money!

Coupon Organizer 1 – The Couponizer

Here’s one system that will help you get organized and find coupons quickly, The Couponizer. It sells for about 20 dollars. This 4 minutes video explains the system behind it nicely:

Coupon Organizer 2 – Mrs. A’s Grocery Coupon Organizer

Here’s an other great concept, color coded by store section, you can get organized the way you like it or the way you usually walk through the alleys of your supermarket. The system costs 30 Dollars up, depending on how many pockets and other additions you will chose.

Coupon Organizer 3 – CouponPro

This system is a 3 ring nylon zipped coupon binder that comes in different colors and sells for about 35 Dollars. The same manufacturer also offers cheaper diy systems that provide the basics in a kit.  There is no video, but this page will show you the details.

Building your own Coupon Organizer

Instead of spending a lot of money on a finished coupon organizer, you can also build your own coupon organizer with cheap and simple means. Watch this great 10 minutes video how to get organized: (if you are in a hurry, shorter version is below 2 Minutes 30 seconds)

… and here’s the short 2 minutes version how to build a coupon binder:

As you can see, building your own (frugal!) coupon organizer is quite simple, and can be done for usually under 10 to 15 Dollars.


3 thoughts on “Coupon Organizer”

  1. They now have coupon holders now at Walmart

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