Finding a Garnet Hill Coupon is like looking for the needle in the haystack….. actually there are no Garnet Hill coupons!
That people are looking for a Garnet Hill coupon is understandable, the natural fibre products that Garnet Hill offers are second to none and a true pleasure to wear or use, but they have their price. The reason for that is the unwavering comittement to quality and excellence that the owners and founders of Garnet Hill haver persued ever since the company started as a small, two people business.
Garnet Hill Coupon – The Beginning
Grant and Pegge began Garnet Hill with blind faith in a quality product: In 1973 on a trip to England they discovered a cosy warm cotton flannel sheet. When they were back in the USA they found that there were only synthetic imitation products on the market, so they imported the original cotton flanell sheets from England and started a mail order business that grew rapidly.
Soon a first full-size mail-order catalog with fine natural fiber merchandise came out and the company grew fast. From traditional cotton percale sheets, high-quality wool blankets and cashmere throws to luxurious apparel from classic European companies like Hanro and Giesswein found eager buyers.

Garnet Hill Coupon – Todays Online Shop:
Mail order catalogues are a thing of the past, online shops are where people look for great products these days. So from the simple beginnings in 1976 to today, over 40 years later the media has changed, but nor the quality of the products. And instead of looking for a Garnet Hill Coupon you can simply search on the Garnet Hill website for their latest promotionse and reduced items. Fashion is a fast moving buisness, and what was hyper new yesterday is today already a trend that is vanishing…
The nice thing about Garnet Hill fashion is that these reduced items in high value fibres are really not much tied in to quick changing fashion trends. So if you want to find the best deal on the Garnet Hill website, go check their reduced items. Garent Hill have a ‘Sale of the Day‘ section that has super offers the year round, it’s like having a forever valid Garnet Hill Coupon in your purse!